Office hours
Personal meetings are only available outside official course hours, by providing your name, email, and github profile link or meeting agenda.
Office address
Postal address
Ionian University Department of Informatics
Platia Tsirigoti 7
49100 Corfu GREECE
Konstantinos Chorianopoulos CV in PDF
Source files and workflow
You can go a long way starting with plain-text Markdown files, which are converted to:
- PDF through a pandoc workflow and a LaTeX template
- HTML behind the scenes by Github Pages
Alternatively, if you regard digital literacy as a strictly structured and hierarchical process given to us by a higher deity, you can always use a (self-proclaimed social, participatory, etc) medium such as LinkedIn, ResearchGate, etc.
The motivation for this approach is outlined in a (draft) short article: My timeline is bigger than yours.